How to verify that the IEC results match those at the voting station?

How to verify that the IEC results match

Any interested party, including members of the public, independent candidates, and political parties, may lodge an objection that is material to the result of an election with the Commission.

A section 55 objection for the 2024 elections must be lodged by 21:00, 31 May. Objections can be submitted either via email at or hand delivered to Legal Services at the National Results Operation Centre as well as at the Commission's Head Office.

The EFF. VF Plus, PA, and CCC in the Western Cape have raised objections in relation to electoral fraud against the IEC.

To verify that the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) results match those at the voting station, you can follow these steps:

Collect Voting Station Results:

  • After the vote count is completed at a voting station, officials typically compile and display the results on a notice board at the station.
  • Take a clear photograph of the results sheet or record the numbers manually.

Obtain Official IEC Results:

  • Access the official results published by the IEC. These can usually be found on the IEC’s website or through their official mobile application.
  • Note down or print the results for the corresponding voting station.

Comparison Process:

  • Compare the recorded results from the voting station with the official IEC results for the same station.
  • Ensure that each candidate or party's vote count matches exactly.
  • Pay attention to the total number of votes cast and the number of invalid or spoiled ballots to ensure they match as well.

Address Discrepancies:

  • If you find discrepancies between the two sets of results, document them clearly.
  • Contact the IEC through their official channels to report the discrepancy. Provide them with the evidence, such as photographs or written records of the voting station results.
  • Follow up with the IEC for a resolution. They may conduct an investigation to reconcile the differences.

Independent Observers:

  • Independent observers or political party agents present at the voting station during the count may also have their own records.
  • Collaborate with them to cross-verify the results if there are any discrepancies.

Public Reporting:

  • Share any verified discrepancies with the media or relevant watchdog organizations if you believe the issue needs broader attention.
  • Ensure your findings are factual and supported by evidence to maintain credibility.

Legal Measures:

  • Legal action might be an option if significant discrepancies are found and not resolved satisfactorily. This would involve seeking legal advice and potentially filing a formal complaint or lawsuit.
By meticulously comparing the results from the voting station with the official IEC results and addressing any discrepancies through appropriate channels, you can help ensure the integrity of the electoral process.

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