Where to buy Mexican auto insurance? While your American insurer can give you the best advice, you can also work with AAA, Progressive or GEICO. These large insurers have partnered with major auto insurance companies in Mexico. Purchasing a temporary Mexico auto insurance at the border is the other option available. However, getting one at the border will cost you more. So, it is always good to buy Mexican car insurance from a Mexican auto insurance company.
Like every other informed buyer, you don’t want to buy a policy without comparing. You want to make sure that you are buying the right auto insurance from the right company. Car insurance quotes can be very confusing. What could be the cost of car insurance? How much coverage you need and how much coverage your policy will provide? There can be many other questions you want to ask. In this article, we will address the following question:
What are the major components of a Mexican auto insurance policy?
You have received some car insurance quotes and you find that not a single one is easy to understand. This is so because car insurance is confusing. There are different types of Mexican car insurance policies providing different types of coverage. Some types of coverage are required by law while some are optional. Just like laws, the coverage also varies from state to state.- Before understanding and comparing quotes from different companies, you must be aware of the different components of Mexican auto insurance.