Minimize Your Health Risk Using Proper Cookware And Cooking Properly

You will need to use your cookware properly not only when you cook your foods but also when you store them. This will ensure that you have no potential health risk by eating any contaminated food due to your cookware. You may be suggested to use nonstick cookware for faster and healthier cooking using less oil but that too may cause severe health issues. few people may suggest using stainless steel cookware or even clay or stone cookware but there are pros and cons of each material that you should care for.

For example, most people will suggest using silicone cookware that is usually made from a synthetic rubber that contains bonded silicon and oxygen. However, when you use it you must make sure that you use cookware that is made from only food grade silicone.

There are actually no health hazards known or reported against these colourful, stain-resistant, nonstick, and hard-wearing. This material cools quickly and can even tolerate extremes of temperature. The synthetic silicone rubber will not react with your food or beverages producing any hazardous fumes.

However, you must not use silicone cookware at high temperatures that are above 220°C or 428°F. This will melt the material and damage your food. Moreover, you must also be very careful while removing hot foods from any flexible silicone cookware because foods usually slide out very easily and quickly in these. 

Minimizing your risk

Whether you use cookware the first step you should take to minimize if not eliminate your risks is to ensure that it is of high quality. If you use Tayloright cookware or that of any other reliable manufacturers you will automatically get the guarantee of quality and safety. Therefore conduct some research about the different manufacturing companies of cookware to start with.
  • While cooking you must make sure that you cook or store food in cookware made from easy to leach materials such as aluminium.
  • If you use copper cookware, make sure that it is not uncoated and badly scratched before you cook or store foods. Never scour coated copper cookware.
  • Always try to avoid nickel plated cookware if you are sensitive to nickel and also consult with your doctor to know the foods to avoid that contains high levels of nickel.
  • If you use stainless steel containers make sure that you do not store stewed tomatoes or rhubarb or any highly acidic food.
Assuming that you are fond of glazed ceramic cookware and have a spectacular collection of it do not go overboard and use it to cook, serve or store food without knowing the permitted limits for coating compliance especially for lead and cadmium.

Make sure that all plastic bowls and wrap are labelled as microwave safe before you use it. If you reuse the plastic items for storage allow the food to cool down and refrigerate it immediately when it is considered cold.

Lastly, irrespective of the material of your cookware, do not use any that is visibly damaged and stained. Since it is your health, your care and concern matter the most.