It’s that time of year again! This is my 10th year as a judge for the Web Marketing Association. Throughout the last decade, I’ve watched the evolution of static websites to web 2.0. Regardless of era, usability has always been my primary focus when judging sites. These are websites from major corporations, you know, household names from around the world. So you’d think they have it all figured out, right? Wrong!
Table Of Content
- Keep important information “above the fold.”
- Keep the most essential information in the top half of the visible screen
- Avoid horizontal scrolling
- Stay left
- Place navigation where users expect it to be
- Reading should not be taking – part I
- Reading should not be taxing – part II
- Headlines work well
- Pop-ups are rarely good
- One-size-fits-most usability
These companies used to hire my organization to fine-tune their sites. This required us to use various tools, including eye-tracking and gaze plotting! It was some pretty intense stuff.
I don’t expect such intense usability prep for single-owner blogs, but I expect some basics to be taken care of. Let’s face it, 99% of all bloggers have no design/usability training. Naturally, even without formal training, they try to work in some design, but usability typically falls by the wayside.
There are so many things to consider for usability but if I wanted to show someone a short list of low hanging fruit…
10 Easy things to consider for usability
1. Keep important information “above the fold.”
You shouldn’t make your readers scroll down to see calls to action. This includes every page of your site, not just your homepage! Over 4/5 of the time spent on your pages will be paid above the fold.2. Keep the most important information in the top half of the visible screen
Users will focus the most on the area between 33% and 50% of the page. So, if you’re planning a 768-pixel page, stick to the 250-400 vertical pixel range.3. Avoid horizontal scrolling
There are no good reasons to have users scroll horizontally. If you want to be super-safe, you can design for a 1024 width, which should satisfy over 98% of the internet population.4. Stay left
If you cut your page down the middle, the left side will garner more than double the viewing time than the right side. That means you should place the things you want your users to see on the left whenever possible.5. Place navigation where users expect it to be
Sure, if you have an artsy site, you can break away from the norm. Your audience might be willing to partake in a little exploration even. However, for everyone else, keep your main navigation on the left or the top. Ancillary nav can be at the right, bottom, or anywhere else.
6. Reading should not be taken – part I
Contrast, people, contrast! This is easy. Dark text on a light background or light text on a dark background. (Shakes head.) I’m still amazed at how many sites where I have to strain my eyes to read light grey on white. I usually give up after 2 seconds.7. Reading should not be taxing – part II
Size matters! I don’t care how niche your site is, the font size for the main content should be a font size 10 at a minimum. And that’s only if there’s a decent amount of white space. How many times have you been to a site where you thought the fonts were too small? I bet it’s too many to count. Now, how many times did you feel the fonts were too big? Unless it’s huge, no one will complain. So if you use an easy-to-read font, sizes 10-12 usually fit.8. Headlines work well
I get it. You have a lot of things to showcase on your site. Welcome to the club. Since your most valuable space is limited (see points above), using headlines and snippets will help. Users are more prone to scroll down if the page is “scannable”. So if you create an environment that convinces your users that a flick of their scroll wheel could provide value, then they will.9. Pop-ups are rarely good
Do you know anyone who likes pop-ups? I’m pretty sure we all hate them. However, we still see them all the time. This tells me you’re thinking about your needs, not the users’. When I look at a new window popping up (or popping under), I close the pop-up without reading it, and I usually leave the site that sent me the pop-up as well. For every user willing to pause for a moment to read the pop-up, you lost 50.10. One-size-fits-most usability
Remember when some products, like baseball caps, were one-size-fits-all? Then, one day, some manufacturers changed the label to one-size-fits-most because some people have huge meatballs for heads. The same applies here.There are some exceptions, where some folks had unique success outside of these guidelines. As a general rule, though, all bloggers can follow these simple steps to create a good user experience. These fundamentals haven’t changed since the dawn of the Internet.
There really is so much more to usability than this. I could write usability articles from this point forward and never be done. But since I haven’t written one in a while, I thought it might be a good idea to jump back into this very relevant topic for most bloggers.
Anyway, don’t you agree that many of these are common sense? But how often have you come across sites that don’t have those basics taken care of? Do you meet these criteria?