9 Steps To Become a Junk Removal Company

So you might have seen various big garbage trucks pull up in your area to pick up dirt. One thing you might have already known by now is that this kind of business is a money spinner. This is because a lot of folks shy away from this junk removal venture because they feel it is a dirty man’s business.
Truth is that in the real sense of the word, the junk removal business is a very lucrative one that can fetch you big money as well as yields enough dividends. So if you have your eyes on the junk removal business, then the following tips which you would read from this article shall definitely do you a world of good.

Starting a Junk Removal Company – Sample Business Plan Template

1. Market Research Is Key

Doing any business without first carrying out a market research would be tantamount to failure. Therefore, you might want to start off on an impressive note of gathering adequate knowledge. Be sure to garner information like knowing the cost of disposing junks, where the junks are taken to, the types of junks they are, the types of equipments needed, the number of employees you need, amongst others. Do your research on the internet, read books as well as ask people who have succeeded in this type of business over the years.

2. Attach Yourself as a trainee

You would have to do the necessary thing at this juncture. What would be required here would be that you look for an individual or company that has proven successful over time and attach yourself to them to learn all that needs to be learnt. You might have to attach yourself to this body so as to be acquainted with the following; prices, profit margins, different types of wastes and the cost involved in disposing them, as well as where the refuse is being dumped.

3. Register Your Business

The need to do proper documentation of your new junk removal business is very important if you want to launch out big. You would need to go to the appropriate quarters in your country where new companies are being registered. Because governments of most countries support the evolvement of businesses, they have highly subsidized the fees involved in the registrations of businesses. Choose an appropriate name and then go ahead to lock it down.

4. Draw up a business Plan

After you might have armed yourself with such needful information, the next thing might be for you to draw up your own business plan. If you can do this, then fine. However in most cases, it is usually very important that you employ the services of a professional business plan writer who would be able to help you fix the right information in the right places. After he must have drawn it up, then care must be taken to adhere strictly to your plans so as to come out successful.

5. Rent a Space

Renting a space depends solely on whether you are launching out small or big. If you are starting out small, you might want to convert some rooms in your apartments to an office and store. However, if you are looking to start on a large scale, you would have to rent an office space in a very prosperous area where you might be able to attract plenty of customers. You would need an office where your workers come to resume or converge and then take off from in the mornings, as well as a store where all your equipment are kept and maintained from.

6. Equipment Need

At this juncture, you must have decided on the scale at which you want to launch out on. If you are looking to start out big then you might need to go for really heavy duty equipment like: A new or secondhand truck or trailer, shovels, rakes, and   garbage cans. However, there isn’t any harm in wanting to start out small as this is the very best way to go. If you are looking to start out small then you might want to just stick with rendering your services without a truck.

7. Decide On the Areas to Service

You might have to sit and draw up a tangible plan on the kind of clients you want to service. Whilst it is okay to render your junk removal business to the low and middle class citizens, you might also want to highly consider servicing the upwardly mobile and rich folks. Since the intention of any one in business is to make profit, you too must cash in on this and look at ways to target the most profitable quarters.
8. Employ the Right People
Since you might have gone through some training yourself, it is highly important that you get the best hands to help in servicing your customers. For example; you might choose to employ a rookie or an inexperienced person whom you can train adequately. This however, depends on how long your own training took and how conversant with the business you are. On the other hand, you might want to employ already experienced folks who have already learnt the ropes and who would be capable of carrying out top notch services.

9. Marketing Strategy

It is very important that you employ the best ways to advertise your services. For potential customers who aren’t online, you might want to do handbills and brochures. Make the handbills and brochures as detailed as possible with professional images such that can attract anybody at all. For your online potentials you might want to begin to blog on hygiene, as well as open a facebook page where you have people like your business and engage in discussions.
With these tips discussed earlier, you might be able to see that having your own junk business isn’t a big deal as it were. However, you must be prepared to accommodate the teething problems that come with any new business. With loads of hard work and optimism you can be sure to build a very successful junk removal business in no time.