The word E-cigarette at a first glace could sound strange to you, but truth is that it does exist. Thus just like the Email and E-transfer, E-cigarette does exist. So just what may we be talking about when E-cigarette comes to mind?
The e-Cigarette (Electronic Cigarette) is a smokeless cigarette that is powered by battery; this device converts liquid nicotine into vapor for the user to inhale. The advent of e-Cigarette is one of the best things to happen to those looking for alternatives to the conventional cigarettes because it is healthier. One of the good things about e- cigarette is that it is free from all the harmful chemicals contained in the conventional cigarette and you don’t need to light a match to use it. It produces no fire, ash or unbearable smell.
Since e-Cigarette was introduced to the market around 2004 by its inventor Hon Lik a Pharmacist from China, the product has not only gone from just being popular in the Chinese and Asian markets but has now gained worldwide acceptance. Loads of folks who are engaged in the selling and distribution of e-Cigarettes are smiling to the bank and getting good returns on their investments.
Fact still remains that the campaign against tobacco smoking would continue to create a huge market for e-Cigarettes since it has become a major and healthier substitute for addicts. As a matter of fact, e-cigarettes can be smoked in areas where smoking is prohibited. No wonder players in the tobacco industry are fast adding e-cig to their line of products. Starting an e-Cigarette business requires a relatively high start-up capital, but you must also be assured that there is a very huge market waiting for you.
If you are already in the cigar business or might want to start your own e-Cigarette business from the scratch, then you might need to take the following tips seriously.
Starting an E-Cigarette Distribution Company – Sample Business Plan Template
1. Kick start Your Journey with a Research
This is apparently a new line of business and you must at all cost start on the right foot. Hence, the place of quality research cannot be joked with. There are loads of information about e-Cigarette on the web on how and where you could purchase and sell it. You would also have to research about the industry and what it takes to invest in this line of business.
During your research, it’s advisable to carry out a survey via simple questionnaires to know whether folks in your area are aware of this product or if they might be willing to accept it. The reports you get from your research keeps you well informed and well guided.
2. Register Your Business and Get a License
Globally, the World Health Organization requires that most consumables and especially tobacco products are regulated. You might have to visit the local Health board or Food and Drug agency in your state to obtain a license before you can legally operate an e-Cigarette business. Registering your business might also help your business to get easily monitored by the appropriate quarters.
3. Rent a Lounge
If you are already in the conventional cigarette business or want to start out with your own e-cigar, you might have to consider operating in a lounge. If your Cigar lounge is well positioned and clean, you sure would attract smokers. Since most countries enforce laws that ban people from smoking in public places; the best option for smokers might be to visit a cigar lounge since they are enclosed. Be sure that your cigar lounge has all the health and safety measures in place so as to avoid it been short down by the local authority in your area.
4. Operate a Website
Did you know that one of the easiest places to sell your e-Cigar is on the internet? E-Cigar has over time become one of the highest products that people buy online and creating your own website sure gives you access to the large market available for e-cigarette users. Ensure that your website is easy to access and the payment portal is safe and easy to use. Get a website designer to make this website as attractive as ever so those potential buyers wouldn’t resist visiting.
5. Contact a Manufacturer
Maximizing profit should be the utmost thing on your mind and so you must be ready to keep costs at the barest minimum. One of the ways to do this is to work with the manufacturers of e-Cigarettes since there is still some form of control on its production. This is so that you get your supply directly from the manufacturers who are likely to supply you at a cheaper rate compared to when you go through any third party.
6. Create Your Distribution Plans
Since most of the people that purchase e-cig buy it online and get it shipped to them, then you have to put in place an effective and fast distribution plans. You may have to go into agreement with some shipping companies; but be sure that you choose the ones that are less expensive. This is so that the shipping cost you bear isn’t too that you might not be also to ship for free to your buyers.
7. Advertise and Market Your Products
No doubt the e-Cigarette business is profitable but at the same time you must know that it is highly competitive. You will be contending with loads of people trying to cash-in on this new line of business. So you just have to come out with creative ways to advertise and market your product. The worldwide web is an effective place to start advertising and marketing your e-Cigar business. Leverage on the social media platforms to reach your targeted market. Part of what you might need to do to attract customers is to make sure you have well a packaging for your e-cigar, as well as put in place lots of freebies and perks.
You just might agree that it can sometimes be tough to go into this line of business because of the negative campaign against tobacco. But you can ride on this by letting people know of the difference between e-cigarette and the conventional cigarette. You can also be quick to let people know the advantages of smoking e-Cigarettes and how effective it is to help people overcome the addiction of tobacco.
Lastly, don’t relent in exploring new avenues to sell your products if indeed you want to be the preferred choice amongst the loads of people selling e-Cigarettes globally.