20 types of Small Business To become in Waste Management

Are you interested in starting a business in the waste management industry, but you lack ideas? Then below are 20 small business opportunities in the waste management industry.
There’s a whole lot of waste being generated in every corner of the earth on a daily basis from household wastes to industrial wastes, medical wastes and chemical wastes. These wastes could take thousands of years to decompose even after they have been buried, thereby leading to environmental degradation and global warming. The waste management industry was born out of the need to protect our environment from hazardous substances.
Waste management is not a business that most people would readily go into because of the filth involved and that is why it continues to be a huge money maker for very few people. So what business opportunities lie in wait for people who want to invest in this industry?

Top 20 Small Business ideas in the Waste Management Industry

1. Residential garbage collection
Every home owner has to deal with waste materials of varying proportions daily which is why residential garbage collection is a very good business idea. To start this business, you would need to buy a waste disposal truck and have an understanding with a waste collection center where you would dump the refuse after collection. Then, you would go around your neighborhood or city informing people of your new garbage collection business and also charge them a token to dispose their wastes. You would be shocked at the number of people that would be willing to patronize your business.
2. Collection and sales of factory wastes-: This is another very lucrative business in the waste management industry. It involves collection of waste materials from factories and disposing them on their behalf. You could serve as many factories as possible or sign a contract with just one company.
3. Recycling plant-: A recycling plant might be a capital intensive but very profitable business. It involves setting up a place where garbage collectors can come and sell the recyclable materials they collect in bulk and you in turn would resell them to factories or companies who need these materials.
4. Industrial waste collection-: This is similar to residential waste collection only that this business focuses on collecting garbage from offices and business premises instead of private residences and homes.
5. Waste collection center-: If you cannot afford a garbage truck, you could set up a place where people can come and dump their garbage for a fee and then you will hire a garbage truck to collect all the dumped waste and transfer them to a proper dumpsite.
6. Public toilets and Bathroom construction-: Have you ever been in a public place and had a serious urge to use the toilet but there was none in sight? I am sure you would have been willing to part with a few hundreds just to make a toilet appear right there at the time. So many people experience this situation daily that is why there is a need for more public toilets and bathrooms, so that people who need to relieve themselves while in public can pay you to use your facility.
7. Scrap metal depot-: Metals are one of the hottest items that can be recycled. Waste metals can be made into a lot of other things. You can go around collecting metal scraps or have people who collect them sell to you in large quantities while you resell them to companies who produce nails, roofing sheets, pots, cutleries etc.
8. Mobile toilets-: Mobile toilets construction and sales is also a very smart business idea. Mobile toilets are usually needed at parties or camping grounds. A popular business man in Lagos, Nigeria built a multi-million naira business empire just from making, selling and renting out mobile toilets.
9. Recycling of electronic waste-: You could also collect start a business of collecting electronic wastes like bad televisions, radios, old computers, discarded cell phones etc. These items can either be sold to manufacturers for refurbishing and resale or to spare part dealers who would remove some of the useful parts and resell them.
10. Rubber waste recycling-: Rubber is never a waste material. Why? Because rubber can always be melted and made into something else so you can go around picking up all the discarded rubber shoes and slippers, buckets, jerry cans and several other rubber wastes that people throw away because they consider them useless. Companies that make tires like Dunlop or plastic chairs would be glad to buy them from you.
11. Bottles and Cans recycling-: This is one of the major items constituting environmental nuisance. It’s not uncommon to see used bottles and cans littering the street. If you look on the sides of those bottles and cans, you will see where the manufacturers stated that those items can be recycled. You can go around picking those bottles and cans and sell them in large quantity to the manufacturers.
12. Polythene material recycling-: This is another item you would always find on the street. Just take a walk down your street and count how many polythene wastes you would find. Even the cleanest of areas still somehow have them. Polythene just like rubber could be melted and reused.
13. Used oil recycling-: Oil is used in almost every factory. Factories that make food items and snacks use them, cars use them. I could mention thousands of industries that make use of oils someway or the other. You can go around buying these used oils and sell them to people who make bio-fuel.
14. Bio-fuel production-: People are generally switching from the use of kerosene, PMS or Diesel to power machines. You can start your own bio-fuel production business. Bio-fuel is a kind of fuel that is made from waste matter and researchers are currently working on making it take over from crude-oil as a major source of fuel.
15. Products listing website/brokerage services-: You can become a broker that links people who want to buy recycled materials with people who want to sell them. One major challenge that people in the recycling business face is knowing where or who to sell to. You can solve that problem by creating a website where you can list items for sale so that people who need to buy them can easily find them. Your reward would be the commission that you would charge for each deal you broker.
16. Paper recycling-: Everyone uses paper one way or the other but the good news is that paper could be made into other useful materials like tissue paper. So you could just go around collecting waste paper and use them to start your own tissue production company or sell them to companies that produce tissue paper.
17. Used clothes recycling-: Used clothes are also useful for making other useful items like foot mats, mattresses, cushions, the list is endless. Used clothes could also be resold to other people who cannot afford to buy new clothes.
18. Construction Wastes-: The construction industry also generates a lot of waste. You could make money from collecting and selling those wastes for refurbishment and resale.
19. Medical Waste recycling-: Hospitals and clinics need people to help them dispose wastes like human parts, blood, needles and syringe etc in a safe manner. This business may sound really gross but it would interest you to know that a lot of people are making money from it.
20. Sales of equipment-: Lastly, if you don’t want to get your hands soiled or you are easily irritated and cannot be bothered with gathering waste materials, well you shouldn’t give up entirely on the waste management industry because there are still opportunities for you in the equipment sales and leasing aspect of waste management.