9 Steps To Become a Bible School

Bible School
It is no longer news that school business has continued to soar over the years in nearly all parts of the world. This is because many folks are beginning to come to terms with the fact that education is the best legacy, whether it is formal education, vocational education, or any other form of education.
In recent times, one other area that Christian entrepreneurs are beginning to cash in on is the Bible school business. However, this is not to say that Bible schools have not existed before now. In fact, the emergence of Bible schools dates back centuries.
As the thirst and zeal to know a lot more about the bible and Christianity religion came to the fore, people saw the reason and need to create bible schools where biblical knowledge is taught. For this reason, this article proposes to look into how you can start your own bible school. Here are top-notch tips on how you, too, can start a bible school if you have decided to make this a business, as there are free bible schools all around.

Starting a Bible School – Sample Business Plan Template

1. Be Determined

It isn’t okay for you to nurse the feeling of owning a bible school merely because you are a Christian. It is, however, expedient that much more than having the wish that you are determined; this is the kind of venture you want to go into. Why is this so, you might ask? This is simply because, with determination, you might then be willing to go all the way to pursue your dream to a fruitful end.

2. Undertake a Market Survey

This is one of the essential factors that you must really hold dearly. This is because only man embarks on the journey of starting a business after first undertaking some research. This research and the findings you get would, to a large extent, determine many things. Things like how those who have already started bible school pulled through, the steps they took that helped them, and the mistakes they made. What is the possible amount of being that might be needed for start-up, what kind of necessary location, and what do you have?

3. Run a Course

It isn’t enough that you carry out market research. You may also want to consider running a crash course in a bible school to have firsthand experience on how things are run. While some of the classes being offered in these schools vary from country to country, you may still want to opt for courses that are short in duration; during these periods, you may want to find out the types of courses offered, the day-to-day operations and activities and how they are run, and a host of other things that you can physically find out for yourself. You might also need to take someone into confidence by letting them know the sole purpose why you have enrolled. When you do this, you may be able to get better information.

4. Find the Purpose of Why You Want One

After taking the steps mentioned earlier, you can find out why you want to start a bible school. Deciphering why you really wish to one means that you can quickly grasp what the students attending your school stand to gain and the kind of graduates you would be churning out.
This is because it isn’t enough for you to just want to start one for profit. There has to be an underlying factor in why you want one to be set up. For some, it might be the thirst to educate people biblically, while for others, it might be because they have seen another person thrive at it and want to achieve the same kind of success.

5. Draw a Business Plan

This is also a veritable step you may want to consider dealing with seriously. This means that you must be ready to draw up an immediate, short-term, as well as long-term plan for your intended business. The information here would include how the company would be run, the amount needed to get started, how many faculties you plan to have, the number of lecturers you plan to have, and other indispensable information.

6. Incorporate Your Company and Get a License

This is in no way a type of business that you can start from home. This is because you would have to meet some vital government authorities' requirements. This is why it is essential that you first get a business name for your school, get the right documentation for your business from the appropriate quarters in your country, and then get the required license. For some, the requirement is that you get a befitting space.

7. Get a Space

You would need your realtor to help you get a good space here. This means that you would need to determine how big you want your school to be so that you know what the realtor is targeting at. You may consider an ample space if you want to start big or a moderate apartment if you want to start moderately. However, either way, you would still need to furnish and make things look okay before you commence operation.

8. Draw up a Curriculum and Hire Workers

If you have a background in this field or have attended a school of theology yourself, you may consider drawing up the course curriculum yourself. On the other hand, if you haven’t, you may want to consider hiring an expert, who might be one of the lecturers who would eventually work with you.

9. Market Your School

You may consider starting with your local church by announcing or printing flyers about your Bible school. This will allow you to start from the known to the unknown. Thereafter, you may consider outsiders and non-church members. The internet is also a good area through which to market your school.
There you have it. With these steps taken seriously, you can be sure to start your own bible school on the right footing. This is because these are tested steps that have helped those who have succeeded.