7 Steps To Become a Truck Driving School

Truck Driving School
If you are conversant with driving jobs, you would understand that those who make huge money from driving are those who drive trucks/trailers. This is so because those who drive trucks are known to drive for long distances, and on most occasions, they transport goods from one city to another—they are actively in the haulage industry
Unlike driving normal cars, driving trucks requires extra expertise, especially if the truck is heavy-duty. So, if you intend to start your own truck driving school anywhere in the world, you must be ready to work hard and smart. The truth is that starting a truck driving school is capital intensive, and it requires accreditation (permit and license) from your country's government because,. upon graduation, students from your driving school will apply for Class A Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) from your state government.
Running a truck driving school is undoubtedly a profitable business despite the huge startup capital required to set it up and manage it. This is so because people who get trained as truck drivers earn more than other drivers in most countries of the world.
If you know you have the resources and expertise to start a truck driving school, then you should follow these 7 surefire tips that will help you start your own truck driving school from scratch and then build it to profitability within record time;
Starting a Truck Driving School – Sample Business Plan Template

1. Write Your Business Plan

All that is required to start and manage your business must be captured in a business document called a business plan. Your business plan should be able to clearly state how you generate your startup capital, how you will manage the business, the marketing method you will adopt, risk management strategy, recruitment policy, expansion strategies and loads of other factors that are needed in the life cycle of a business. It is always advisable to hire business consultants to help you write your business plan because they will sure do justice to it for you.

2. Register Your Truck Driving School

The process of obtaining accreditation for your truck driving school starts with the registration of your business. As a matter of fact, companies that are not registered with the government can easily evade tax, and that is the reason why the government of any country ensures that all companies that are in operation in its territory are all legally registered, so that it would be easy to keep tabs on them.
Hence, make sure you go all the way to get your truck driving school registered with the government of your country, and also obtain your tax payer’s ID so that you can have proper record of your tax payments.

3. Apply and Obtain Accreditation from the Government

Starting a truck driving school just like any other driving school requires accreditation from the government of your country. Your can search for the organization responsible for issuing license (driver’s license, vehicle license, plate number et al) in your country from the internet and apply for accreditation for your truck driving school.
The truth is that the facility and equipment you have on ground to run your truck driving school will first be inspected before you can get approval to run the school and subsequently you will be granted accreditation if they are satisfied. If your truck driving school is not accredited by the government of your country, any certificate you issue to grandaunts of your driving school would not be honored and as such they won’t be issued Class A Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) when they apply for it.

4. Secure Office Space, Classroom and Open Field of Driving Trucks

You would need to secure an office to run your administrative job; you would need class rooms for teaching your students the rudiments of driving and you also need to secure an open field where students can put to practice what they have learnt from the class room. All these facilities cost money, but you don’t need to get discouraged because you stand the chance of breaking even within few years of starting if you are hard working. If you are able to get a facility big enough to contain both your administrative block and class rooms, then you can negotiate with your local authority to make use of government open field for truck driving test for your students.

5. Develop Your Curriculum

Of course, if you don’t want your truck driving school to be boring, then you should work with experts to develop interesting curriculum. You can talk with the police department or the body responsible for regulating driving in your country to obtain the curriculum for driving school. In most cases you can be allowed to work on it to fit into your plans as long as you maintain the core instructions.

6. Hire Experienced Instructors

Except you just want to start a small truck driving school where you can be the sole instructor, but if not, you will need experienced truck drivers to serve as instructors in your driving school. So, ensure that you create good package that will help you attract good hands to work with you. That is why it is important to make plans to pay all your instructors even if you have started making profits or not.

7. Open Your Doors for Students

If you are able to set up the structure for running a truck driving school, then the next thing you are expected to do is to open your door for students to come in. If you truly want to attract more students especially if you have competitors in your city then your charges should be moderate. The truth is that once you are able to stabilize and your truck driving school is generally accepted, you can then gradually jack up your price.