If you love glamour and glitz, and you have eyes for spotting beauty, then you should consider starting your own beauty pageant. Beauty pageant has been in existence from the earliest civilization era. If you are conversant with the history of the Roman Empire, The Greek Empire and even the ancient Egyptian Empire you will realize that they also did beauty pageants in their own way back in the days.
In recent time, beauty pageants have assumed another dimension from what it used to be. In this dispensation, you can rake in fortunes by organizing beauty pageant either in your local community, at a state level or at a national level depending on your budget and capacity.
One good thing about organizing beauty pageant is that, beyond giving exposures to young girls who have the dreams of becoming models, you stand the chance of making great profits and selling your brand to the international community. All you need to do to become successful in this line of business is your organizing skills, your ability to network, and your ability to raise partners.
Now let us examine the necessary steps to follow to be able to start your own beauty pageant as a rookie.
Starting a Beauty Pageant – Sample Business Plan Template
1. Carry out Your Feasibility Studies
The first step you need to take before making up your mind to start your own beauty pageant is to carry out feasibility studies. The advantage of conducting a feasibility study is that it enables you make good decisions based on your findings.
The truth is that your feasibility studies will give you an idea if beauty pageant will be welcomed in the area you want to organize it, the numbers of young girls that will be willing to purchase application forms, the amount people will be willing to pay to attend beauty pageants, and other side attraction that can help you get enough people to attend your event.
2. Register Your Organization
It is important that you register the organization that you intend using to host or organize the beauty pageant with the corporate affairs commission of your country. The fact that you would need to raise corporate partners to help sponsor your beauty pageant makes it a must for you to get the organization registered, and of course open a corporate account for the organization. In case you don’t know, it is difficult to raise partners to support your project if your business is not registered.
3. Work on Your Organizing and Networking Skills
The two important skills that you must posses to be able to successfully organize your own beauty pageant and make good returns is your organizing and networking skills. The truth is that you would need a good organizing skill to be able to put together an event of this nature.
So, it is very important that you undergo soft skills training on organizing and networking. It will indeed help you to perform well in this industry. As a matter of fact, if you have enough money and you want to give your beauty pageant your best shot, then you can hire other event managers to work with you.
4. Raise Funds and Partners
One of the ways you can make profits from beauty pageants is your ability to raise funds and support from partners. The good thing about getting your organization registered is that it makes it easier for you to approach companies and even wealthy individuals in your community to help sponsor your beauty pageant. Just ensure that in your proposal letter, you clearly state what they stand to benefit if they choose to partner with you, and the different level of sponsorship you are looking for.
Sponsorship varies, you could get a soft drink company to supply drinks for free in the event, you could get a makeup company to take care of the makeup for the event, you could get a decoration company to help you out with the decoration, you could get a company to take care of the prizes for the winners and other areas that you feel you could get support.
5. Rent a Decent Hall
Depending on the numbers of tickets you intend selling, it is important to rent a hall that has enough space to contain your runway and enough space for your audience. So ensure that you measure the hall to be sure that it meets your specification and also it is important for the hall to be in a location that can easily be accessed.
6. Get Judges / Panelists
You would need professionals to serve as judges / panelist in your beauty pageant event. The bottom line is that you should look out for those who are experienced in fashion, beauty and anything that relates to beauty pageants. Although, you are not expected to pay your judges, but make sure you show them appreciation by giving them gifts that you know they will cherish. It could be plaque, it could be certificate and it could be anything.
7. Advertise Your Beauty Pageant and Welcome Applicant
The last step to follow is to advertise your beauty pageant in all the avenues available to you. Advertise in newspapers, radio, TV, and the internet. You can as well print posters and place them on strategic places where you can easily attract the kind of people you are looking for. It could be campuses, sport complex et al. Remember that you are going to attach a fee and requirements for every applicants, so ensure that it is clearly stated in all your adverts and even in the application form.
Lastly, depending on the area you intend organizing your beauty pageant, just ensure that you choose the right time of the year, probably summer to organize your beauty pageant if you intend getting enough people to participate. It is also important to place a limit on the numbers of application you want to work with so that the organization will be smooth.
There you have it; the steps to follow to start your own beauty pageant.