4 Steps To Become money maker Selling Music on iTunes

Music has become a universal thing in the world. Good music on the other hand is something that has continued to gain more awareness and acceptance, as the time goes by. For that reason, you may quite as well agree with me that there are a lot of folks who would stop at nothing in purchasing good music.
Over the years we have come to know several distribution channels through which musicians and promoters get their tunes sold. Whilst, some have proved effective over the years, yet others who haven’t been too lucky with the ways their music have done in the market only have tales of disappointments to tell as they have failed to be able to recover the investments that have made.
In recent times, and with major advancements springing up as the world goes global, we have come to see that other viable means of making money whilst selling music has evolved. One of such avenues is through the iTunes. What is iTunes all about? ITunes is one of the most populous music stores in the whole world. It commenced its digital music revolution and have since recorded and made maximum impact
This is no wonder that it has been said that any music that doesn’t find itself on iTunes, it might just be missing out on over seventy percent of the entire digital music market place. Consequently, enough of reeling out the goodies that you stand to gain on iTunes. Let us talk about how you too can begin to make money on iTunes selling music.

Make Money Selling Music on iTunes – A Beginner’s Guide

1. Be Sure You Have Good Music
It is true that some folks as earlier mentioned would stop at nothing to buy music on iTunes. This is especially typical with people who love to explore with music. This means that they do not mind to buy even music in languages they do not understand, this is also provided there is a good rhythm to it.
On the other hand, it should also be noted that some folks would only buy good music, as they have developed what looks like a spiritual compass for music that they can sense god music when they listen to one. For that reason, you must be determined to only sell good and quality music on iTunes. Be sure that the music you want to sell meets some certain requirements and can cut across borders, race and countries. Having this in place means that you really want to leverage on the fact that you are on the largest digital music market place.
2. Apply through Apple
This is the next step for you to take. However, this might take a long process as when you go through apple; you are expected to go through several clearance and verification points. However there are a number of other websites that have the responsibility of helping you shorten this application process. This is so that you have your music on iTunes at a faster rate than when you had to do it on your own. There are sites like the songcast and catapault; whose sole aim is to help in your songs approval and in the uploading and monitoring of its progress.
3. Determine Pricing
If this is your own song, then you must be ready to take quite a number of things into consideration. Some of the things that you must be willing to really scrutinize before setting a price; is the price you bore when you cooked the music. Expenditures such as studio session time- this is especially if you do not have a studio of your own and you had to go rent one for the recording of your songs.
Also, all other expenses that you must have incurred in the course of what you did to bring about the music to fruition. After you have considered all these, then you are able to comfortably fix a price that might yield you profit. You can give a wholesale price so that iTunes might also have a fair share of the profit.
4. Begin to Collect Royalties
After you have made the success of having your song listed on iTunes either through a direct process,. Or through other certified sites, then you can begin to realize that your songs are now being downloaded. Once fans from all over the world begin to do this, then you are eligible to begin to collect royalties.
With some sites that serve as intermediaries like songcast, you begin to receive royalties to your account. Whilst this might be different from how other music distribution channels operate, but you can be sure that since you have your music on iTunes, you are guaranteed royalties. It is also worthy to note that with some of these distribution channels, you may be charged a few percentage of the royalties. This serves as a fee, so that they may be able to service the cost of having helped you stay through on iTunes.
So what are you waiting for? There are a lot of people who have steadily smiled to the bank because of the success they have encountered on iTunes. You too can start out and be sure to make cool bucks too.