7 Steps To Become a Water Refill Station Business

The essence of going into any form of business should be basically to fill in a need or solve a problem. Therefore going into the water refill business would surely help you solve the challenges people who don’t have access to clean and drinkable water go through and you will be hugely rewarded for it.
The good thing about the Water Refill business is that it is less expensive to start and maintain. You don’t need a comprehensive business plan from Harvard before you get started to start making profits. If you are interested in starting a Water Refill station business, the following steps would help you start from the scratch and see you through profitability.

Starting a Water Refill Station – Sample Business Plan Template

1. Be a Researcher
To avoid investing your money into a business venture and eventually losing it, it is highly recommended that you conduct a general research about the business. Before venturing into a water refill station business, you are expected to carry out thorough feasibility studies so you are able to know how much to invest and when you are expected to start making profits. Research helps you know those that might need your water and how you can access them, as well as the equipment you would need. Also, learning how to maintain it and how to get them at a cheaper rate is as important as other information you garner.
2. Choose a Location
The location you choose to construct your water refill station goes a long way to determine whether the business would grow and become profitable or not. You are expected to position your water refill station in a place where you can get good and clean water; such a place where you won’t have to spend a fortune to drill a bore hole. It also has to be a place where you have easy access to your market and your market. The bottom line is that you are expected to choose a location that is close to a major road so that you might easily get government approval.
3. Get a License and Permission
You would be required to obtain a license before you are permitted to drill a bore hole for your water refill station. This measure is put in place to guide against people drilling bore holes in places that are prone to earth quakes and tremors or places that have sanitary issues. Your choice of location would be supervised and screened before you can be issued the permission to go ahead and install your water refill station.
4. Drill Your Bore Hole
If you have been given permission to go ahead to establish your water refill station in your chosen location, the next thing to do is to engage a bore hole drilling company to help you drill your bore hole. Drilling bore hole is relatively expensive, but be rest assured that one borehole can serve you for the rest of the business life. To save cost of drilling, contact various borehole drillers and compare costs. This might help you to get a good deal to lower costs to the barest minimum as you start out.
5. Buy the Equipments Needed
Getting the right equipment as you set out in business would put you at a very advantageous position. You would need the following for your Water Refill Station; Tankers or Delivery Trucks, Storage Tanks, Gallons, Funnels with Filters, Granular Activated Carbon, Magnetic Flow Meter, Pressure Tank With Pump, Automatic Wash With Stainless Steel Jackets, Water Purifier, Chlorine and other required approved chemicals for water purification and preservation.
6. Adopt Health and Safety Precautions
Water is an essential commodity. As such The Public Health Department ensures that all Water Refill Stations meet certain health and safety standards. It’s important to note that if the water in a community is contaminated; it can result to epidemic in that community. A water refill station must enforce strict hygiene standards and the environment must be clean at all times if they want to continue to be in business. A breech of these measures might result in the Public Health Department shutting down the business. Be sure that all the storage tanks and delivery tankers undergo routine cleaning and chlorination. You can visit your Public Health Department to know more about health measures to adopt in your water refill station.
7. Market Your Water Refill Station
You would not necessarily need aggressive marketing skills to be able to market your water business. People that need your water will most likely look for ways to get to your water refill station. The reason why you would need to market your water refill station is to let people know the uniqueness of your water refill station and to create general awareness. It is advisable you visit companies that are into cleaning services and laundry services to inform them that you are new in town; because they are always in need of water and you might become a repeat water supplier. Schools, public facilities, homes and even companies are other sources where your water might be needed. This is especially when their existing water supply system fails or is under repairs and general maintenance.
No doubt that the 7 points discussed above would help you start your water refill station without spending hugely. The truth is that a Water Refill Station doesn’t require that you have an MBA to be able to start and properly manage it; it only requires a person with the right attitude and the right business mindset. Since water can easily sell without advertisement and aggressive marketing, it gives anyone that runs a water refill station less stress to convince people or spend a lot of money on branding and packing.