7 Steps To Become a Poultry Processing Plant Business

The truth is that if you have the financial capacity to setup a standard business, the best form of business to start is a food processing plant – simply because of the high demand of processed food all over the globe. Those that are into food processing business are known to do pretty well when compared to their colleagues in same sector but who are not into food processing. For example, those who are into fruit processing are known to make more profits when compared to those who are only into the farming of fruits.
So if you are interested in the poultry business, it will pay you to startup your own poultry processing plant if truly want to make it big in the industry. It is even advisable for poultry farmers to expand their business beyond just rearing birds to owning their own poultry processing plant.
Now let us quickly consider some of the steps you need to follow to be able to start your own poultry processing plant from the scratch and then build it to become a global brand;

Starting a Poultry Processing Plant – Sample Business Plan Template

1. Feasibility Studies is Very Important
The very basic thing needed by every aspiring entrepreneur is the discipline to conduct feasibility studies before starting any business of their choice. As a matter of fact, feasibility studies provide all the details that will guide an aspiring entrepreneur to make the right business decisions.
For example, the report from your feasibility studies will help you decide whether to source for partners cum investors or to go solo and it could also determine whether you are ready for the business or not. The truth is that money and good idea is not enough reason to launch a new business; there should be need for your services or products in the community you intend starting the business.
2. Draw – up a Workable Business Plan
If you take your time to conduct a thorough feasibility studies and also to properly analyze the report from the feasibility studies, you will struggle less to draw – up a workable business plan. This is so because the bulk of the work has been done while conducting your research and feasibility studies.
So ensure that you draw up a workable business plan before starting your own poultry processing plant. You are not expected to come – up with a perfect business plan before launching your business; just ensure that you capture the idea on paper in such a way that anyone that reads it can easily understand the concept of the business right away.
3. Raise Your Startup Capital
Poultry processing plant can be considered to be very lucrative, but it is still a capital intensive business. So when drafting your business plan, ensure that you pencil down strategies to raise the startup capital needed to setup a standard poultry processing plant in an ideal location.
If you are privileged to have friends and family members that believe in your business ideas, they can assist you in raising the money needed. But if you have a fantastic business plan, you won’t struggle to raise the money you would need to start your own poultry processing plant. As a matter of fact, you can access loan and grant from government agencies whose aim is to encourage loads of investors and entrepreneurs to go into agric related business
4. Register Your Business and Obtain the Necessary Permits and License
Once you are convinced that starting your own poultry processing plant is the right business for you to do, then you should go all the way to get your business registered. You can contact the corporate affairs commission of your country or the agency responsible for registering businesses and start the process. You can as well pay a lawyer to help you do it. Once you have obtained your business license, you can now proceed to apply and obtain the permits required to run a food processing plant. Visit your local authority to find out the requirements you country.
5. Lease or Purchase a Suitable Facility
You would need a facility to run your poultry processing plant and the facility must not be located in a residential area. So ensure that you talk to your real estate agent to help you search for a suitable facility in an area zoned for poultry processing plant and other related business / factory. Just ensure that your facility has adequate running water and the environment is neat.
6. Purchase the Needed Equipments
In food processing industry, hygiene is highly essential and that is why government health official will first of all inspect your facility and equipments before you can be issued license to start the business. So when buying the needed equipments, ensures that it conforms to the lay down standard in the industry. some of the equipment you would need to start your own poultry processing plant are; automated killing equipment (used for killing chickens / birds in large scale), Picking equipment (used for plucking feathers) and Eviscerating equipment (used for dissecting chickens and to remove all unwanted internal parts).
7. Package and Market Your Processed Chickens
If you pay attention to adverts that are run on commercial TV stations, you will realized that what gives a company edge over its competitors might just be packaging not necessarily the content. So ensure that you spend time to come up with a creative way to package you processed chicken / bird. If you can get your packing right, you will struggle less to market your product.