Although people eat for strength and other reasons, loads of people are excellent with foods that will make them stay healthy at all times, which is precisely the benefit of eating organic food. Although organic food is much more expensive than non–organic foods, people prefer to spend that much for their health. This is so because organic foods are cultivated without synthetic chemicals (fertilizer, herbicides, pesticides and genetically modified organisms – GMOs) – it is indeed chemical-free, safer and healthier.
If you start an organic foods store, you will likely make more money than those who sell non-organic foods. Before any food is considered to be organic, an expert must certify’ it must be approved by an expert. Before any food is considered organic, an expert must ensure it. Before any food is considered organic, an expert must certify it. Simple; Organic foods taste better, and it contains more nutrients when compared to conventional foods.
For example, any fish that is considered to be organic are fish that are farmed in a controlled environment, not the ones in an open sea or river. Likewise, any meat considered organic is meat from animals that are only reared and fed with organic crops; the same applies to organic milk.
Now let us quickly go through the 7 steps to follow to successfully start an organic food store and build the business to profitability within record time;
Starting an Organic Food Store – Sample Business Plan Template
1. Write Your Business Plan
If you intend to start your organic food store business properly, it benefits you to draft your business plan. The good thing about a good business plan is that it gives you a clearer picture of the capital required to run your business, how to run it, and an idea of the profits you will likely make per – time. Starting a business without a good business plan in place is like building a house with a building plan.
2. Generate Your Capital
It is essential to state that starting an organic food store requires considerable start–up capital, especially in leasing a facility and also stocking up your store with organic foodstuff. So, it pays you to generate all the cash required so you won’t get stuck along the way. There are several ways you can raise start–up capital for your business; you can talk to investors, you can apply for a loan from your bank, can raise capital from your family and friends, and you can also generate money from your savings and the sale of your stocks.
3. Register Your Business and Obtain the Required License
If you have your business plan and start–up capital in place, you shouldn’t waste time registering your business with the corporate affairs commission of your country. You may also need to talk to the local authority in your area to know if you need any form of permit to open an organic food store.
In some States in the US, you would need a license, while in other states; you don’t require any approval or permit to sell organic foods. You might have to demand authorization to deal with organic foods because it is easier for the government to regulate and ensure that you sell them.
4. Get a Decent Facility in a Good Location
When shopping for a facility to start your organic foods store, ensure that you only pay for a facility that can be used for that purpose. It is essential to get a decent facility located in a commercial area where people can easily access it. That is why it is necessary to confirm with the local council to be sure that the facility you want to pay for can be used to run an organic food store.
5. Establish Business Working Relationships with Organic Food Farmers (Suppliers)
Another important aspect of this business that you must tidy up before even renting a facility is to ensure that you have established a business working relationship with organic food farmers (suppliers). What is the use of telling people that you run an organic food store without having stocks? It is challenging to produce organic farm produce, which is why the price of such foodstuff is usually higher than conventional food, and you need to search for where to get a supply of organic foods.
6. Hire Workers-:
You are not expected to run this kind of business alone; you would at least need one or two hands to help you run the business. You would need two store attendants (sales girl/boy). So when drawing up a budget, ensure that you include the salaries of at least 2 or 3 people for a start.
7. Create Awareness and Promote Your Business
You just have to let people in your area know the benefits of eating organic foods, or else you wouldn’t have enough people patronizing you. You can run paid adverts on TV, Radio and even in the Newspaper.
You can also leverage the internet to create awareness of the benefits of organic food, and you can as well participate in any relevant food exhibition and trade fair to promote your organic food business. There are many other unique ways you can use to promote your organic food business; just make sure you leverage them when you come across one.