12 Steps To Bacome a Bottled Water Delivery Service Business

Water has a very huge effect on general health and well being. Doctors and fitness experts always advise people to drink at least 8 glasses of water everyday to stay healthy and many people are embracing this idea. Also, when people drink unclean water, it takes a negative toll on their health and well being that is why the demand for clean portable water continues to increase.
If you are interested in starting a water business but you do not have the capital needed to start a bottled water production plant, you don’t have to give up easily. You most definitely can start from bottled water delivery and gradually grow your business until you have saved up enough money to set up your own bottled water production plant. You can start your this business with as low as $500 if you already have a delivery van to transport your wares. So how do you start a bottled water delivery business?

Starting a Bottled Water Delivery Service – Sample Business Plan Template

1. Who are your customers?-: The first step is to figure out who your customers would be. You can either choose to sell to private individuals (home delivery) or commercial establishments. Water is very heavy and people who do not have cars would really appreciate the idea of someone bringing water to their doorsteps. Most business offices and banking halls have water dispensers to give customers and staff access to drinking water and to make a good impression on their customers.
You can approach such companies and ask for a chance to replenish their stock regularly. You can also look at supplying fitness centers, hotels, shopping malls, schools and home delivery for private individuals. Another business opportunity supply to people who are planning an event or organizing a party.
2. Select the type of product to sell-: To do this, you have to learn about water and the different types of water available. For instance, there is spring water which is gotten directly from the spring, there is purified drinking water which has been processed in such a way that impurities and minerals have been removed, and there is also distilled water that goes through a vaporization and condensation process so that dissolved minerals and impurities can be removed.
You also need to decide on the sizes of bottled water to sell because bottled water comes in different sizes. There are the 1 liter bottles, 50 cl bottles and 35 cl bottles. There are also the large 5 gallon bottles that are popularly demanded by commercial establishments and households because of its cost effectiveness.
3. Obtain a business license-: You should also find out the legal requirements needed to start a bottled water delivery business in your state and comply accordingly. You don’t necessarily have to incorporate your company but if you plan to start manufacturing your own bottled water in the future, it would be a wise step to incorporate your company.
4. Register under bottled water companies-: Next step is to sign an agreement with a bottled water manufacturing company as a distributor. When you sign such agreements, you would be able to get access to bottled water at cheaper rates and as such maximize your profits.
5. Purchase a delivery van-: To start this business, you would need to purchase a delivery van to carry your products around. If you cannot afford to buy a delivery van just yet, you can make arrangement with delivery van rental companies so that you can rent one each time you need to make a delivery. However, you have to be careful with this arrangement so that you won’t incur excessive business expenses that would eat into your profit.
7. Rent a warehouse-: You would need somewhere to store your water, so you should think of renting a good warehouse. However, you must ensure that the warehouse is kept clean at all times and free from chemicals or other forms of impurities that may be harmful to your customer’s health. If you don’t have the funds to rent a warehouse, you can operate a just-in-time basis whereby you only need to make purchases when you have a supply to make.
8. Consider bottled water retail-: To expand your source of income, you can also add retail of bottled water to your business. You can purchase bottled water in directly from manufacturers and sell in wholesale quantities to supermarkets, grocery stores or mini-marts around you.
9. Employ staff-: You can employ marketers to promote your services and earn commissions on each sale they are able to make. You may also need to employ a driver for your delivery truck.
10. Establish a billing plan-: Now, you have to think of ways to encourage your customers to patronize you by establishing an attractive billing system. You can ask them to sign up for monthly or weekly subscriptions so that they can have access to flexible payment options.
11. Be consistent and punctual-: To succeed in this business, you have to maintain a good relationship with your customers by being consistent and showing up whenever you are supposed to. Water is very important and you cannot afford to deprive your customers of this essential item so make sure you have everything planned out so that you can gain your customer’s trust and satisfaction.
12. Consider recycling too-: You can also make money for yourself by recycling used water bottles too. Due to the nature of your business, you are in the best position to collect used water bottles and sell them back to the companies for reuse. You would not only be making extra money, you would also be saving the environment from filth and degradation.