20 Type of Small Business To Become a Dietitians / Nutritionist

  • “You are what you eat.”
  • “Whatever you eat in secret, shows up in public.”
  • “Fitness is 80% nutrition and 20% exercise.”
These are some of the favorite phrases used by dietitians to encourage people to make better food choices. A lot of illnesses and terminal diseases have been linked to poor nutritional choices. Diseases like Cancer, Diabetes, Obesity and even High blood pressure have been traced down to poor diet choices.

Now, there are some groups of professionals who specialise in helping people who have problems with poor diets or suffering from food-related diseases to get better through teaching them the right things to include in their diets, what to avoid and how to identify foods that are safe and healthy for them.

Dietitians work with hospitals and fitness centres but can also set up their own private businesses. So, if you are a dietitian and you are wondering what kind of companies you can do, you can consider any of the activities listed below:

Top 20 Small Business ideas for Dietitians / Nutritionist

1. Weight loss Restaurant-: Fast foods have been fingered as one of the primary culprits responsible for the increase in obesity in America and all over the world. What if there were fast food restaurants that offer delicious but healthy meals on their menu? This would help to reduce obesity as people can now hang out with their friends and loved ones without having to stuff on unhealthy snacks.

2. Book writing-: There are a lot of favorite books written by dietitians in the 80’s and 90’s that are still bestselling books today. You could write your own book too, offering nutritional advice or pinning down a particular diet program you have been able to discover.
3. Consultancy-: You can become an independent consultant to hospitals, clinics, old people’s homes and even private clients.
4. Educator-: You could make money from organising seminars and short courses for people interested in becoming dietitians or people interested in learning more about healthy eating and living.
5. Food Addiction Rehabilitation-: There are millions of people out there who suffer from food addiction. You could set up a rehabilitation centre to help such people overcome their addictions and embrace healthier eating lifestyles.
6. Weight loss Camps-: A lot of people desire to lose weight but try as they might, they cannot seem to succeed despite having tried so many things. Such people may be able to get the motivation and results they need by attending weight loss camps where they can work together with people who have the same goals. You could start a business of organising such camps for interested individuals.
7. Selling products-: You could also make money from selling informational products, diet books, healthy food alternatives and ingredients, vitamins and weight loss supplements.
8. Research and Develop Diet Drugs-: Another business idea is to develop drugs that would help to control sugar cravings, reduce appetite and generally help people who are having a hard time with controlling what and how they eat.
9. Online health store-: You could also sell diet and health products on the internet through your online store or become an affiliate to existing online health stores that focus on foods and fitness.
10. Blogging-: Blogging is also a great way to offer help and nutritional advice as a dietitian. You could also create awareness for the products you sell through your blog.
11. Food time tables-: Another idea you should consider is producing and selling food time tables filled with healthy delicious meals and carefully planned to help aid weight loss or reduce cholesterol in the body.
12. Catering Services-: Dietitians can also offer catering services or even become a chef at hotels and restaurants that are concerned with providing their customers healthy meals. You could help them plan out their menus and also develop healthy food recipes.
13. Partner with a fitness Center-: Since fitness is 80% diet and 20% exercise, fitness centres need the help of dietitians to help them recommend and plan out healthy meals for their clients so that they can achieve faster and better results.
14. Writer-: You can also become a columnist for tabloids and magazines and help them contribute contents that would educate their readers on nutrition and how it affects their health and bodies.
15. Develop Nutritional Software and Mobile Application-: A typical example of such mobile application is Myfitnesspal. Myfitnesspal lets you record your daily food intake, calorie contents of those meals and regular exercise routine. The app helps to track and monitor your progress and also has a forum where you can get advice and support. You too can develop something similar or even better than that.
16. Fitness Trainer-: You could also become a fitness trainer, teaching and guiding your clients through the right exercise routines to achieve their desired fitness goals.
17. Children’s Nutritionist-: Some children also have difficulty feeding correctly; there are even cases of young children and teenagers who suffer from eating disorders like bulimia and anorexia. A children’s nutritionist works with kids and teenagers and helps them with eating disorders or difficulty with feeding.
18. Fresh Fruit juice production and sales-: A lot of people now avoid taking sodas and prepackaged fruit juices because of some of the undisclosed ingredients that some juice companies use in preserving their fruit juice. People now prefer to have freshly squeezed or 100% organic fruit juice. You could purchase an industrial juicing machine and make fruit juices and supply to supermarkets and retail stores around you.
19. Grocery Services-: When the refrigerators and kitchens are filled with healthy foods and ingredients, junk eating is really not an option. You can start a business that helps people with grocery shopping and making sure that all items purchased are healthy enough. As a dietitian, you would be in the best position to read ingredients and food labels to determine and select better options for your clients.
20. Online Counseling Services-: Lastly, you could take your business online and offer private counselling services to people with eating disorders, food addictions or people who just need help generally with their health and nutrition.