20 Steps To Become Profitable eBay Business from Home With No Money


Top 20 Profitable eBay Business Ideas to Start from Home With No Money

1. Selling used items-: You may have a few items lying around in your house that you are no longer using. Probably, some antique furniture or old clothing and shoes or jewelries. You could make money from offering them up for sale on eBay instead of throwing them away.

2. Selling wholesale items-: Another business idea is to sell wholesale items on eBay. Retailers are always looking for cheap wholesale items to buy and this is a good business opportunity you could tap into. You can source for wholesale goods on websites like doba.com or Aliexpress.

3. Power Selling-: Power sellers on eBay are like an elite group with special benefits. As a power seller on eBay, you will be entitled to discounts on shipping services via UPS, health insurance schemes, unpaid item protection, customer support service priority and discounts on final value fees.

Having a power seller logo stamped on your eBay profile will surely attract more customers to you because they would be able to trust your services. To become a power seller on eBay, you will need to have been a seller on eBay for at least 90 days and a minimum of 98% positive feedbacks. You will also need to have a minimum sales value of $3,000 over twelve months. If you are really serious about making money on eBay, then you should really consider becoming a power seller.

4. Selling Luxury Items-: Selling luxury items is also a very good business idea for e-bay sellers. If you sell one Christian Louboutin designer shoe worth about $500, you will definitely make more money from that single sale compared to selling several ordinary shoes worth $30 each. You can also sell designer clothes or Children clothes on eBay.

5. Selling Cars-: Although this is a business that requires huge capital, it is also a very good business. Selling cars on eBay would surely fetch you more money than other items.

You can sell either new or used cars. If you don’t have enough capital, you can still sell cars on eBay. All you have to do is to look for people who want to sell off their cars, talk to them and agree on a sales commission; then take the pictures and post them on eBay. When the car is sold, you can now get your commission for the sales.

6. E-bay Consultant-: If you have great knowledge about trading on eBay and all the ways that people can make money on eBay, you can become an eBay consultant and transfer that knowledge to other people. There are people who have stuffs to sell but have absolutely no idea about how to sell these products. You can help these people set up their business by becoming an eBay consultant.

7. Drop Shipping-: Another business idea on eBay is drop shipping. This means that you would sign up on e-commerce websites and online stores and promote their products as if they were your own. And whenever a sale is to be made, the seller would ship directly to the buyer instead of you and you in turn would earn commission for your efforts.

8. Auctions-: One brilliant idea people have been using to make money on eBay is offering up items for auctions. When you auction your goods, people can come and bid for it and then you end up selling to the highest bidder. The highest bidder might end up paying far more than you thought you could sell those items.

9. Affiliate Marketing-: You can also sign up on online stores to become an affiliate marketer. This involves promoting other people’s goods and earning commission for it.

10. Blogging-: You can also start a blog on any niche to promote products on eBay. For instance, you can start a blog in the fashion niche and post links to where people can get certain hot selling fashion items on eBay.

11. Promoter-: You can also become a sales promoter on eBay. You can start a website for sharing information about coupons, discounts and offers that are available on eBay. Your income would come from the subscription that people would pay to become a member of your website.

12. Selling Beauty Products-: You can also make good money on eBay from selling beauty products such as body creams, make up, soaps and all sorts of beauty products for both ladies and men.

13. Selling refurbished items-: This is another hot business idea on eBay. You can talk to companies that sell electronic gadgets or other items that can be refurbished and offer to help them sell their refurbished items on eBay.

14. Selling Mobile phones-: This is another hot niche on eBay. Mobile phones are amongst the hottest selling products on eBay.

15. Arts and crafts-: Are you an artist who knows how to draw and make good paintings?Then what are you waiting for? There are lots of people who are willing to pay you for your art work. Just make a very nice painting, take a good picture and fix a price for it and post it on eBay.

16. Selling jewelry-: If you know how to make jewelries you can make money from it by offering your collections up for sale on eBay.

17. Selling Spare parts and motor vehicle accessories-: If you know where to get vehicle spare parts and accessories at cheap prices, you can also make money from selling them on eBay.

18. Exchange Services-: You could also start an exchange service for people who want to exchange certain items on eBay.

19. Antique items-: Well, you may not know it but that old reclining chair that grandpa left behind doesn’t belong in the basement. Antique item sales are now fetching people lots of money. So pick up those inherited items, buy a couple from your friends and go sell them on eBay.

20. E-books-: Lastly, you can make money from putting your ideas into writing and selling them as eBooks on eBay.