Starting a Pet Supply Store – Sample Business Plan Template
Step 1. Research Is Key
It is very important that you know quite a lot about what you want to dabble into. It is for this reason that you must research to garner a whole lot of information that would be able to help you along the line. How can you go about this? First off, it would entail that you undertake a thorough market survey.
This means that you must be ready to read up all that you can possibly lay your hands on. The internet could be a great resource for you, as there are a thousand and one articles on various blogs and sites that can be of immense benefit to you on pet nutrition, and the kind of advice that your clients might need concerning their pets. You may also consider reading books; by visiting your local library so that you can check to see books to be read.
Step 2. Decide How You Want To Run Your Business
After you might have learnt and gathered some good knowledge on how to go about things, then your next port of call would be on how you decide to run your business. There are two ways through which you could want to pull this off. They include: through a physical retail location and through the internet. Starting with the internet by opening an online store means that you may consider starting from home thereby saving some huge amount of money. Whilst starting with a physical retail outlet might require more. In all, be sure you know how you want things to go.
Step 3. Draw up a Blue Print
Drawing up a blueprint means that you must be ready to write a business plan. What does writing a business plan really entail? It means that you would want to put on pen and paper how your business would be run, the way it would be run, the amount that might be needed to start out, your short term and long term loans, as well as other very vital information that would be of help for the store startup period and growth period of your pet supply store business. If you are conversant with how a business plan is written, then you may consider drawing up one yourself. On the other hand, if you think you might not be able to do this, then you may want to hire experts who are able to do this for a fee for you.
Step 4. Decide Whether to Register Your Business or Not
This stage might be optional, especially depending on how you have decided to run your pet supply store. If you have decide to start on a lower note like from, the house or the internet, then you may want to consider not registering your business since you might not be dealing with organizations yet.
On the other hand, if you think you would like to start with a physical supply store, and wouldn’t want to restrict your business to only individuals, then you may want to register your business with the appropriate quarters. So, be sure to check with the bodies that are responsible for the documentation of this kind of business in your country.
Step 5. Serve as a Trainee
It is okay to have garnered all the theoretical knowledge that you need from reading books and all. However, it even more important for you to consider learning hands on practical lessons from experts. This means that there are people who are already in this line of business and can assist you with getting the practical lessons you need. This means that you might have to approach people who can serve as mentors in this area of business, where you are able to under learn things like how the business is run, how many employees you would need and what have you.
Step 6. Get a Good Location
You must not just think about getting a location for your business without first looking at some factors. These factors include; how accessible the place might be, good visibility, be sure that the location of your own pet supply store is more than five miles from others. This is because you might face some hitches especially when it comes to product variety and costs.
Step 7. Stock up Store
You have got to develop a good rapport with pet foods wholesalers. Knowing more than one wholesaler means that you are liable of being able to order different types of pets supply products. These wholesalers get directly from the manufacturers and you are to a large extent guaranteed very affordable rates that can as well help your own profit margin increase.
Step 8. Hire Experienced People
It is very important that you hired very experienced people. This is so that much more than being a salesperson, they may double as folks who can answer to the questions of customers. To a large extent, customers become dissatisfied when they cannot find answers to their questions. Hence, experiences workers would do this trick and thereafter endear your customers.
Step 9. Advertise your Business
This is one of the expedient stages of your business that must not be toyed with. Therefore, you have got to strategically choose marking modes that would yield dividend. You may consider printing flyers and handbills and giving them out, as well as placing in strategic locations so that people can get your pet supply store noticed easily. There is also the word of mouth approach, as well as the internet, just to mention a few. Do not hesitate to change strategies when the plans you worked with fails.
Would these steps help you start out with your own pet supply store? Yes, it would as these are well thought out approaches to starting a pet supply store business that have worked for a lot of people.