7 Steps To Become a Pet Cremation Service


Dogs, cats, and horses are the most common animal's the majority of people require Pet Cremation Service for them. However, it’s also possible to cremate other animals such as hamsters, rabbits, birds, reptiles, and more.

Currently, 76% of 18-24 year-olds in America share their home with a pet. And around 65% of all American households have a dog or cat. That’s an estimated 77 million dogs and 88 million cats. These animals become members of their family and spending around $60 billion a year on them. That’s a 185% increase since 2001. In terms of priority, a 2011 survey found that we spend more on our pets per year than alcohol, men’s clothing, or our phone bills.

Types of Pet Cremation Service

  • Private,
  • Comingled
  • Partitioned

Step 1. Conduct Your Feasibility Studies

The first port of call in starting a pet cremation business is to carry out a feasibility study so that you can be well informed. The truth is that the pet cremation business will not thrive in areas where people don’t really value pets. 

You also need to know how much does pet cremation cost. Search "pet cremation near me"  for information, make sure you visit them and ask all relevant questions to help you. There are more additional services related to pet cremation like pet cremation jewelry (jewelry & keychains), cremation urns, cremation boxes, A headstone, keychain keepsakes, pet burial service, and scattering ashes.

So, part of what you need to look out for when conducting your feasibility studies is the behavior pet owners have towards their pets, the premium people place on their pets, and loads of other factors that can either give you a go-ahead to start the business or show you a red flag that the company will not thrive where you intend starting it. The result you get from your feasibility studies will also give you an idea of all you would need to have in place to run a crematory business.

Step 2. Write Your Business Plan

If you conduct a proper feasibility study, the result you get will assist you in drafting a good business plan. You need a good business plan in place to be able to run any kind of business, including the pet cremation business. So, sit down to write your own business plan or contract it to an expert to help you write one. If you don’t have enough funds to pay an expert to help you write a business plan and you have not written one before, you can check online for a business plan template. With a good business plan template, you can come up with your own business plan with little stress.

Step 3. Register Your Business and Obtain All Necessary Permit / License

The next thing for you to do after you are through with writing your business plan is to choose a name for your cremation business and then go-ahead to legalize the industry. Contact your lawyer to help you out with the registration of your business. Pet cremation business is amongst the companies that require permit and license before you can be allowed to commence operation. You can contact your local authority or the state environmental protection agency to find out the process and requirements of obtaining a permit and license for the cremation business. In some states in the US, the fee for crematory operation license is $150, and it is renewable after 2 years.

Step 4. Lease a Facility (Site)

You would need a facility (site) approved by the government to use for your cremation business. As a matter of fact, crematories are not allowed to be built in a particular area. That is why you must consult with the state environmental protection agency to be sure that you can get approval for the site you choose to start your cremation business.

So before engaging your real estate agent to help you search for a facility to be used for your cremation business, you must have done your own due diligence so that you won’t pay for a facility in an area that you can’t get approval from the government. As a matter of fact, your facility/site will first be inspected before you can be issued a permit to start operation.

Step 5. Purchase the Required Equipment

You need to purchase the following types of equipment for your cremation business; animal cremation machine, batch load incinerators, vase (urns) in various shapes and design, and all safety gadgets needed.

Step 6. Hire Employees

You would need to hire employees and train them on how to operate cremation machines, and how to adhere to safety measures put in place. You also need employees that will help you with marketing and administrative jobs.

Step 7. Market and Promote Your Business

It is vital to put in place a good marketing strategy that would help you get clients who want to cremate their pets. Part of what you need to do get clients to patronize you is to establish a working relationship with vet doctors and vet insurance companies; they will refer clients who need your services to you. In some cases, you might have to agree on a commission they will get for every referral. You can as well open a website to promote your pet cremation business and also to create awareness on the benefits of pet cremation.

There you have it; the 7 steps you need to follow to establish your own pet cremation business from scratch and build it to profitability within record time.

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