Starting a Liquidation Firm – Sample Business Plan Template
1. Feasibility Study Is Key
Even though starting a liquidation business is one of the coolest ways of making cash, it is very important to first carry out some feasibility studies before committing yourself to the business. The truth is that in some part of town, you will struggle to sell office goods bought from liquidated companies, whereas in some part of town, especially areas notable for accommodating small and medium enterprises. Truly these are the kind of people that will want to buy office goods from you, because it will help them to cut down their start – up expenses.
2. Generate Your Start – Up Capital
You would quite agree that liquidation goods that are put up for sales are on a first come- first serve basis. So, to be ahead of other competitors, you just have to have enough cash to make outright purchase of any goods that are listed for sale. The truth is that, during liquidation, the investors try as hard as they can to scoop any cash they can get from the failed business. So ensure that you have saved up enough money before placing your bid when required.
3. Map out Your Strategy
Much more than buying liquidated goods at basement prices, you still need to look for ways to sell the goods to recoup your money and make profits off them. So, before placing your bid for any goods, you should have an idea of where to sell them. It is very important that you map out strategies on how to locate companies that are liquidated and are looking for ways to cash out and unload inventory at almost give – away prices, and smaller or medium scale business or even individual that can buy these goods in such a way that you can make profits.
4. Lease a Warehouse
One of the major areas that you would be expected to spend a large chunk of your startup capital is in leasing a warehouse. You will agree that the cost or leasing a warehouse is quite high no matter the part of the city you are in. Depending on your financially capacity and how big you want to run this kind of business, you will definitely need a warehouse to store your goods, a place where potential buyers can come and inspect the goods you have for sale. Just ensure that you lease a warehouse that is spacious enough, and one that can easily be accessible. You can as well carve out a little portion from the warehouse to be used for your administrative runs.
5. Compile Details of Your Potential Clients
Part of what you need to do to be able to sell off goods from your warehouse as fast as you can is to have a list of people you know will need the kind of goods you have. If you have their contact details, then whenever you have stocks, you can mail the list of the goods you have for sale to them. It is important that you also state the prices and then you can follow it up with a call or two.
6. Develop a Website for Your Business
The World Wide Web is one of the easiest ways to sell your business to the whole world; the truth is that your next customer is just a click away. So, it is important that you create a website where you will tell the world the kind of business you are into. One good thing about having a website for a liquidation business is that you are able to list out the goods that you have for sale as a matter of fact, you can even arrange for shipping for those who would want to patronize you but stay very far from where your business is located.
7. Launch Your Business-: If you know you have put all things in place, you can then go ahead to launch your business and start making cool cash.
It is important to state that this kind of business requires diligence, good bargaining skills, and good marketing skills for you to be able to continue to make good profits. There you have it; time tested tips that you can follow to build your liquidation business from the scratch to profitability within record time. Good luck to you as you embark on this business journey!