9 Steps To Become a Best a Laser Tag Company

Starting a Laser Tag Company – Sample Business Plan Template

1. Undertake Some Research

You want to find out what other Laser tag outfits are doing and how they are doing them. What equipment and facilities do they have in place? If people are through there, why? Is there something you noticed? They are not doing well and can become your own USP – Unique selling proposition. Are there associations you must belong to, and are there government regulations you must abide by? These questions and more are the answers an exhaustive research may be able to answer when you do your background check and be sure you have crossed the ‘T’s and dotted the ‘I’s.

2. Draw a Business Plan

Having done your check and been sure of your conviction to go into this business and at what level you wish to play, you must come up with a sound business plan, sthat captures all the details of the business. Remember that the business plan is like the architectural design when constructing a building. It shows you each step as you build. It is also essential in case you will need to raise money from investors.

3. Seek Investment

After coming up with the plan, the next thing to do is to raise capital. From your business plan, you can tell if you can bankroll the project on your own. If you cannot, you must approach investors to partner with you on the business. Don’t forget that to raise capital, it is better to start from the known and move to the unknown. So talk to friends and families first, and then, if need be, angel or equity investors and/or banks.

4. Register Your Laser Tag Business

Operating a business without registering it with necessary governmental authorities is a punishable offense in many countries. So, you just register the business with the essential authorities and agencies within your city to obtain the the licenses that will allow you to to operate legally. Nothing spays like having a fully documented business.

5. Set Up Your Laser Tag Facility

For a standard Laser tag facility, you will need plenty of space. Consider a location that is about 6,000 square feet. Don’t forget it is not only about games, but you also need an arcade area, space for parties, a snack area, and so on. Remember that this business is dependent on human traffic, so ensure you locate it close to shopping malls or restaurants.
For the actual construction of the facility, you will need a qualified construction contractor. The facility should have at least two levels and platforms and structures to hide behind. It must be well padded for safety. For ideas on constructing yours, youshouldo visit other Laser tag facilities and participate in their games and other activities.

6. Hire Workers

This is more or less a hospitality venture. The majoritys of your staffers must be free-miwho peopfree-mindedy fun activities. Can work almost throughout and any day of the week. (Although you should incorporate into your working hours the possibility of a shift). They should have experience in dealing with people of all kinds and backgrounds. Work with a consultant in the process of hiring them.

7. Get Your Website Ready

This type of business will thrive on a lot of pictures and images. Your site must have a gallery showing images of the fun activities and games available. Make it very functional and interactive. This will help your business to reach a larger market. Don’t also forget the place of social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and the rest of them, and have them linked to your site.

8. Market Your Business

The power of marketing and making your business can never be over flogged. For this reason, it becomes imperative to go all out to be known. Apart from the internet, we also use other media to advertise. Utilize the Local newspapers, national dailies, journals, brochures, and other relevant publications to advertise.

9. Begin Operation

Now that things have really looked up, you need to open the business for customers to come in and do business with you. And you could do that in a unique style. Youshouldo take a cue from the ways others have done theirs.Considerr asking questions and throwing a big party so potential customers could come to have some fun.

Some laser tag companies include:


A company with over 35 years of experience that offers award-winning products, software, and support.


A manufacturer of laser tag equipment that has been in business for 10 years and is used by over 3,000 laser tag centers in more than 83 countries.

Battlefield Live SA

An international company that has won 27 business awards and is recognized in Australia as an innovative and successful company.

Battle Company

A company that specializes in live action gaming products for home or business, including indoor and outdoor laser tag equipment and software.

Zone Laser Tag

A company that offers laser tag equipment for businesses. 

Some home laser tag sets include:

  • Squad Hero Battle Action
  • ArmoGear Laser Battle
  • Vatos Rechargeable Laser Gun Set
  • Squad Hero Light Force Laser Tag Set
  • Kidzlane Laser Tag Set