Starting a Nanny Agency – Sample Business Plan Template
1. Market Survey
The role which a market survey plays cannot be watered down. In fact this is one very important step that would help you get a hang of what the nanny business is all about. Now you may want to consider using the internet to help provide you with answers that are able to answer all of your own worries and questions. There are several resources on the internet that can do just this.
2. Ask an Expert
Up Next, you would need to ask some experts you know some questions. This is so important so that you can add some hands-on knowledge to the theoretical one you may have garnered from reading books and what have you. Furthermore, this is important so that you are able to directly sit under the tutelage of this expert who may double as your business mentor.
3. Have a Business Background
You do not have to dabble into a business without first garnering some business knowledge. You do not need to know a whole lot, just having a basic idea of what it takes to run a business is important, In addition you may also want to acquire some accounting skills too.
4. Volunteer as an Intern
Even though you have a passion for manning children, you may want to horn your skills in nanny business by serving as a volunteer or an intern at a nanny venture. This is so that you can cross all Is and dot all Ts. This is important since you would be handling other people’s kids.
5. Register Your Business
It is important that you register your business. This is so that you can be seen as a professional and then so that the corporate door can be opened to you. This is not to say that you cannot start this type of business from the comfort of your home. To a large extent you can. However, if you would like to start it on a corporate note, then you can visit the corporate affairs office in your country to strike things off.
6. Recruit Nannies
Now that things are looking up, then your next port of call would be to recruit nannies. Be sure that you have a standard that you really would want them to adhere to. Test them with various questions to be sure that they are fit to work. Remember, they would be handling people’s children, and you do not want to lose a client because of an unskilled nanny.
7. Train Nannies
This is where all what you have learned as an intern comes to play. You have got to train your nannies. If the nannies you already have a experienced ones, then that is to your advantage. On the other hand if they aren’t, then that is a very good way to begin to help them horn their skills.
8. Get an Office Space
If you are starting on a professional note, then you may want to consider getting an office space. You may want to convert a space in your home for this, you may as well tell a realtor what your specifications are and start from there.
9. Hire Workers
In as much as the nannies you have recruited are meant to serve others, you would need in- house workers like; a receptionist, who would be saddled with attending to anyone who comes to make enquiries, as well as anyone who want to recruit a nanny, or more.
10. Place Adverts
This is one of the most important steps that you have got to take seriously. This is what would determine the cash you make. You need to put in place workable marketing styles. The word of mouth mode of advertisement also comes to play here. Begin to tell people about your business. You can place some ads on the internet as well as the newspapers. You can also consider blogging about nanny tips, as well as other tips.
11. Stay Informed
This means that you have got to continue to research ways to get better at this business. Do not relent to continue to research and put your ears close to the ground for new trends in the industry.
12. Would these factors suffice for you to start with?
You bet it would. As these are time tested tips that have worked for others and will no doubt work for you too. Just be open to learn new things and see how successful you become.