8 Steps to Become a Successful Video Blog and Make Money

Have you noticed one of the new trends on the internet recently? You would find that blogging isn’t new anymore, but that video blogging system seems to be trending a lot these days. No wonder many folks are taking to video blogging and smiling at the banks regularly.
Starting a Video blog is not entirely different from the process involved in creating an average reader’s blog. Although there are some intricacies and requirements, engaging in over and above isn’t a herculean task. It is a simple ‘do it yourself’ process.

Video blogging is not cheap compared to other forms of blogging, but it is proven to be one of the easiest ways to learn how to do things independently from the comfort of your room. The ‘How to Videos’ has become an excellent substitute for attending a regular class where you are taught, especially when it involves processes that one can quickly learn. These include processes like how to make a cake, how to use CorelDraw, how to cook, how to install electronic gadgets, how to use a sewing machine, and even how to service your generator.
If you fancy video blogging, take a cue from these simple steps to start a blog without hassle. Make these steps yours, and you will be on your way to owning a video blog.

How to Start a Successful Video Blog and Make Money

1. Define Your Audience: 

No one goes into any business venture or undertaking any project without first identifying the people the product would serve. There are countless numbers of defined targets out there whose needs vary. So, starting your video blog means knowing your target audience and how to meet their needs. Your target audience could be lovers of sports, fashion, history, business, Documentaries, or any other line of interest. Just be sure you know what they want and be willing to give it to them.

2. Choose Your Niche-

It is good to sometimes generalize, but you must be seen as a specialist to be highly effective. So, if you are going into video blogging, you must get it straight from the outset. Be sure to choose a field and stick to it as much as it lies within you. Consistency means people will see you as an expert and will want to seek your advice. For instance, you don’t want to start a video blog on fashion, and when people visit your site, they hardly see any video about fashion but rather sports or business.

3. Choose a Web Platform to Host Your Blog. 

Many web platforms host video blogs. You can access them easily when you do your research thoroughly. Platforms include YouTube, TubeMogul, Viddler, Vimeo, and Blip.tv, amongst others. These platforms,, could help you spread your video to the internet community. Once your videos generate lots of traffic, you can be sure progress is in sight.

4. Get the necessary equipment needed. 

Video, as the name indicates, means that you might need some equipment. You would need essential equipment like a Video camera or camcorder, Microphone, Tripod, SD Cards, Computer and Lighting. You don’t need to spend a fortune to get started; you can get started on low-budget equipment and upgrade when convenient. Remember, ‘Rome wasn’t built in a day.’

5. Create Your Own Mini Studio. 

Should you blog on “how to” videos or in areas requiring you to always appear on the video, you might have to invest in a mini studio. You don’t need to build a studio like a CNN studio or any significant media house. All you need to do is dedicate a portion of your house or office and give it the right painting or background. You might also want to get a comfortable table and chair and ensure the lighting is done correctly.

6. Get the Best Lighting and Ambience. 

Lighting is one key factor that goes a long way in determining the quality of your video. You do not want to have videos on your blog that are dark and aren’t appealing.
Therefore, getting the best lighting will go a long way in producing a professional result. In addition, the ambiance of where you choose to shoot your video matters a lot. Since you intend to educate people via your video, eliminate every form of distraction and noise. Ensure you do all you can to produce a video with sound audio output.

7. Getting the Right and Effective Video Editing Software- 

Excellence must be your watchword in video blogging. To ensure quality production, choose the right video editor (software) and pay attention to details.
If you know you don’t have the skills to do this, it won’t cost you much to contact a professional to help you with your video editing. Depending on your bargaining power, you would be surprised that the services of a video editor don’t cost so much. You could get your video edited at a cheap rate. Also, be sure to use catchy captions so that viewers would be attracted and compelled to see the video. You might also want to always tag your videos where necessary.

8. Will these steps get you on the right footing?

These are the simple and basic steps that you must take to start your video blogging. Extensive and successful video blogs like YouTube, which have stood the test of time, know that the key to achieving more and higher is to start small and grow fast. Therefore, you, too, must be ready to start on a small scale as a newbie to grow fast and bright with loads of traffic on your blog shortly.